This shift may be more culturally significant than it appears at first blush... One can't help but ...

This shift may be more culturally significant than it appears at first blush...

One can't help but think of Steve Jobs challenge to John Scully about selling sugar water. But more importantly, these trends are a commentary on what the world identifies as being American/Western--something that still has an appeal even within those countries/cultures that openly disdain the United States.

Coke's recognition factor made sense: A beverage has broad appeal--everyone has to drink something. Is the ability to communicate, create, and be entertained now reaching the same level of importance? Stay tuned...

Apple has unseated Coca-Cola as the world’s No. 1 brand, as the company founded by Steve Jobs is a leader in design and performance, according to a study of the Top 100 brands by Interbrand Corp.

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