(Central Head Quarters)

1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001

CIRCULAR NO. 8/2013                                                                                      DATED – 28.09.2013




Dear Comrades,

            The National Secretariat of the Confederation congratulate the affiliates and State Committees for the strenuous efforts put in by them to propagate and campaign amongst the mass of the employees of the need for an immediate wage revision and setting up of the 7th CPC and enlist the massive participation of the Central Govt. employees for a long drawn out struggle, which commenced in 2011 and the first phase of which was culminated on 12th December, 2012 in a one day strike action.  We are proud of the fact that our efforts has borne fruit  as the Government  had to announce the setting up of the 7th CPC  on 25th. Confederation, as you are aware, had always been in the forefront in formulating demands of the CGEs, presenting and articulating the issues in spearheading struggles and negotiating the demands to reach settlement.  This time also Confederation was the organization which raised the setting up of the 7th CPC and wage revision; demanded that the 7th CPC’s recommendation must be effective from 1.1.2011; insisting that the tenure of the recommendation of the 6th CPC must be ended on the expiry of the five years on par with the wage tenure of the Public Sector undertaking workers as early as in 2010.  It could justify the demands with facts and figures of the unprecedented erosion of the real value of the wages of the Central Government employees due to the high rate of inflation in the economy and shooting up of the prices of all essential commodities.  The campaign and propaganda unleashed by us together had its salutary impact on the thinking process of other sister organizations, compelled them to take note of the growing discontent amongst the rank and file of their membership and to realize the fact that the wage structure had become incapable of making both ends meet especially for those employees at the lower levels of the hierarchy. They had to perforce take up the issue of wage revision  and setting up the 7th CPC due to the ambience created by the Confederation and its affiliates by organizing series of struggles during  the period and at the same time spurning every of our attempt for a joint action. We are quite aware that sanctions cannot be generated without joint and united action of the workers.  This dichotomy practiced by the predominant organizations in the JCM inflicted irreparable damage to the cause of the Central Government  employees.

We are happy that the Government of India having realized that the large majority of the Central Government employees have become mentally attuned to the path of an inevitable struggle on wage revision  decided to avert a confrontation by announcing the setting up of the 7th CPC.   We must, however, realize that the decision of the Government  tantamount to a post dated cheque which is capable of encashment only after a long period of two and half years.  We must not take it lying down.  The agony and sufferings of the employees, especially those at the lower levels cannot be mitigated by promises and assurances.  There must be a rise in their emoluments to make them capable of meeting the ever increasing cost of essential needs.  The Government must be told categorically and compelled to agree for the merger of DA with pay; and interim relief, which had all along been the case ever since the advent of the system of Pay Commission for wage revision.  We must bring home the fact that there will be no question of any arrears arising from the recommendation of the 7th CPC as the Commission is mandated to make its recommendation before the crucial date of 1st January, 2016.

Even though, it is stated that the terms of reference would be finalized in consultation with all stake holders, the question of inclusion of GDS within the ambit of the Pay Commission, in all probabilities would be resisted by the Government. In the light of the passage of the PFRDA Bill in the Parliament, the Government might not agree to include the retirement benefits in the terms of reference.  This apart, the Government will now refer all pending matters, be it at the National Anomaly Committee, National Council or various Departmental Councils  or taken up through inter departmental references  to the 7th CPC.  In other words for the next two and half years none of the issues of the CGEs will be either discussed or settled.  We must not allow the Government to succeed in this nefarious objective.

We must note that the present announcement of setting up of the 7th CPC has also the hidden political agenda, for  many States including  Delhi  are to go to polls in the next few months.  The National Secretariat of the Confederation will meet on 23.10.2013 at Delhi. Formal notice is being sent separately. The Sectt. will decide upon the future course of action. In view of the present announcement of the Government setting up the 7th CPC it is necessary that we should defer the strike ballot decision, which is scheduled to be held on 11th to 13th November, 2013.  It is however, our considered opinion that unless we trade the path of struggle the demand for merger of DA with pay, date of effect, inclusion of GDS within the ambit of the 7th CPC and other issues in our charter of demands will not be settled at all.   The campaign chalked out must, therefore, be carried out with determination and understanding that we will succeed.   We request the leaders of the affiliates, State Committees and National Sectt. Members to ensure that the campaign programmes are implemented as planned.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(K. K. N. Kutty)                                                                                                  (M. Krishnan)

President                                                                                                            Secretary General
