Problems faced by Small Savings Agents.

SB ORDER NO. 11/2013 
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi-110001. 
Date: 16.09.2013

All Heads of Circles/Regions

Add I. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject:- Problems faced by Small Savings Agents.

Sir / Madam,

The undersigned is directed to say that this office is receiving representations from various Small Savings Agents Associations/Federations highlighting the problems faced by their members. Some of the common problems highlighted are given below:-

(i) Forcing agents to open accounts of small amount in the name of single depositor and issuing of single Passbook against multiple accounts.

(ii) Non issue of TDS certificate in Form 16A as per Income Tax Rules resulting in non refund of Income Tax by IT Authorities to agents.

(iii) Forcing MPKBY agents to deposit RD installments only by the date on which RD account was opened.

2. It is requested that any practice as mentioned at point (i) if followed by any post office, should immediately be stopped. As regards point no.(ii), please refer to this office SB Order 10/2013 vide which it is further reiterated that TDS Certificate in Form16A should be generated from TRACES Portal after filing eTDS Quarterly return and delivered to the POSB customers as well as agents on quarterly basis.

3. For accepting of RD Deposits from MPKBY Agents, it is requested that as per latest orders issued by Min. of Finance, RD Deposits can be accepted up to 15th of a subsequent month in case RD account is opened between 1st to 15th and up to last working day of subsequent month if RD account is opened between 16th and the last working day. This may kindly be reiterated to the field units. However, MPKBY Agents should be convinced not to present all their business in the last week/day of the prescribed last dates and split the business in such a manner so that posting can be done on the day of presentation itself. Additional staff may be deployed to help RD Counters in bigger offices during peak days to complete posting of RD Lots. In view of the readiness of data for migration to CBS, it should be ensured that no RD LOT, once accepted should be kept pending for posting.

4. This may kindly be circulated to all field units for guidance and necessary action. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).

Yours faithfully,

(Kawal Jit Singh) 

Source: India post