bits + pieces

Happy Friday! I have a whack load of projects on the go, all worthy of blog posts but every night when I typically would come down to my office to write or, get some extra hours of work in - I'd head up to bed, curl up and watch trash TV. It was one of those weeks of feeling bummed out and at the same time pretty thankful for a lot of things. I had some lovely "dates" this week. I went for a coffee with Debra, and had a girly night sleepover at my Mom's house - and hung out with my new sister and her sister - who also feels like family.  Oscar is home from preschool today, his cold got worse and I've been up a lot at night with him rubbing vicks on his chest and on his feet. Aubrey thinks I'm nuts but I swear the feet thing works. All in all, it was a really nice week and I'm excited to show you some projects. :) Here are some bits + pieces that I thought I'd share.
  • What would you do to your home if you were given $1,000? That's what I was asked and see my response You can enter to win $1,000 - which is aweeeeeeesome. *
  • This is genius. How to recognize artists 
  • Oscar wants to be a pirate for Halloween and he told Aubrey that he has to be Captain Hook and I'll have to be Mr. Smee. I'm not terribly happy about being Mr. Smee.  But then he tried on a Banana costume and for awhile there we were going to have to go as a Banana family. No lie. And I may have bought adult Banana costumes for Aubrey and I. I'm waiting for someone to dare me to walk down the street as a banana.
Anyhow, have a great weekend! Above are just some shots from my phone this week - shopping at the Drake, walking with my Mom and admiring gardens and of course - dressing up at Target.

*I was given a $50 gift card for Home Depot my thanks in sharing this link with you!