Before/After: A Girl's Closet

A good friend gave us her daughters' beautiful dollhouse and I was trying to figure out how to fit it into our daughter's bedroom.  She has a dresser to store most of her clothes, and I use the closet for items she's not yet grown into.  It was also in need of some sort of organization and spiffing up.  We measured and realized the dollhouse would fit easily into the closet and make it more of a cozy nook for her to play.

Yikes.  Not pretty.

I had taken the closet door off its hinges many years ago and added a small curtain.  But I realized it always got pushed aside and we want to enjoy the space without worrying about that extra fabric.  So that came down this time.

Of course, I've now filled the upper shelves, but sometimes I find it's nice to have less space because it forces you to decide what you really need!