The bohemian home of a Swedish clothes designer

Hello Friday! And what a beautiful sunny day it is here in Sweden too (what about where you are?). This is the lovely home of Lisa Marie Andersson the designer behind clothing label Up The Wooden Hills. Based in Gothernburg, Sweden, Lisa's design philosophy is clothes should be a way of feeling happy, beautiful and comfortable (I'm with are you?!) and as a result her label is dreamy, pretty and playful, just like her home.

Photography: Sofia Byström. Styling: Lisa Marie Andersson, Up The Wooden Hills with kind permission.

Lisa's clothes line is made from Liberty print which takes me back to my own childhood - My Mum often used to sew us dresses using Liberty print and my own little girls still wear them today! The pretty origami items you see in these pictures are also available in her shop. You might want to check out The Up The Wooden Hills blog too!

So any plans for the weekend? Here it's looking super sunny and warm so I'm planning on spending as much time outside as possible starting with some beach time: sand castles and ice lollys anyone?  I'm also getting my home ready for an (exciting) photo shoot next week so lots of decorating to do!! Lots of pictures and details to follow soon!

What about you?

Have a wonderful weekend and see you Monday!