Popular Basic Car Repair Equipment For Your Trunk

Car repair tools are quite basic and inexpensive. However, there are quite a few of them, each used to treat a specific problem of the vehicle. Therefore, if you are hunting for an all inclusive tool or a machine for fixing every car problem you will find none of this kind.

Since car tools are not too expensive, buy ones that are dependable and have a good reputation in the market. In case of simple breakdowns or trouble with basic car parts you can fix them yourself with these tools. However, in case of serious problems or mishaps you need professional help.

If you are a car service expert your service station should have basic service tools and machines available for customers. These include:

o An air pump for tires
o A jack to change tires
o Battery chargers
o Screws
o Pocket knives of all sizes and shapes
o Pliers
o Cables and wires
o Cleaning brush for battery terminal and other car parts
o Torque wrenches
o Gloves
o Reflexive vest
o Duct tape
o Road flares
o Flashlights
o Spare tires
o Engine oil

Replacing car parts can be as easy or difficult as the problem. Therefore, some of them can be done within a day of the occurrence of the problem while others may take more time due to the need to ship the parts from outside the state or country.

If you are planning to take a road trip in your car make sure you have the basic tools and machinery packed in your car tool kit. In case of an emergency breakdown in the middle of the road if you cannot find a mechanic or a gas station you should be able to get yourself out of the mess long enough to find professional help.

Hence, you need to learn the use of the various equipment that you are carrying. So be prepared.

If you run a car service business you should first learn the basic troubleshooting techniques for the most common problems associated with the vehicles. Keep all the basic tools required for this handy. Don't compromise on their quality as this will come as to bite you in terms of customer complaint for poor service.