Organized Desk Drawers

I have been closing my desk drawers for the last few months with lingering shame. They are a mess and instead of cleaning them I just close them. But after reading enough blogs about organizing and cleaning just such desk drawers - I finally did it. I mean it took me a few days - I did it at my leisure: when I got bored of emptying the dishwasher, or off track with preparing a meal or on hold on the phone. I took baby-steps to first throw away all the little pieces of paper that no longer had any significance, and to organize the other needed desk supplies into containers. Here is what it used to look like:

Look familiar?? Now I have achieved this:

I bought a few really cheap drawer organizers from Michael's and just threw out or moved anything that I really didn't need at the desk. It feels great!! And now it is just so much easier to navigate the drawer and find what I need quickly. Yeah!