More Organizing for the Work/Homework Desk

In looking forward to fall and back to school and being at my desk and computer more often, I have come up with a few ideas for paper storage. I am always looking for creative and cheap ways to corral all the paper from school and mail and everything! Here is one idea :

I have a clip board for each my kids - it does need to be cleaned out every once in awhile! Something I need to do before the start of school! Another idea is to get some pencil bags and use them to store little pieces of paper with info not yet stored on your cell phone, receipts, business cards, small projects that are awaiting completion, etc. These can be placed in a basket or hung from a wall. I bought the clip boards and the bag from Staples. The clip boards came in a group of three and the bags are $3 each. I am going to get more!!