Having a Quality Blog and not having visitors that means its just like having a Computer without Internet. Though If you are writing quality content then you must get proper visitors or traffic. For that you need to do SEO [Search Engine Optimization] which includes On Page SEO, Off Page SEO and Link Building or Backlink Building. Google’s Matt Cutts is to be believed Link building is important for Getting page rank which eventually results into high traffic from search engine and to get high SERP that's why you need to have high PR dofollow link pointing to your blog.
So here are some links which might find useful for building efficient backlinks for your blog which will increase your blog page rank. Trust me if you successfully made backlinks for your blog more than 500-1000 then your Blog or Website Page Rank will increase in just Few Weeks !
Last time I had explained about "How To Get High PR Backlinks Easily" You can also Check Our All SEO Posts
Now this is the list of High PR Forums where you can make your profile and put your blog / website link by editing your profile this is the most secure and ethical way. Just copy paste the following links and register there. Enjoy !
So here are some links which might find useful for building efficient backlinks for your blog which will increase your blog page rank. Trust me if you successfully made backlinks for your blog more than 500-1000 then your Blog or Website Page Rank will increase in just Few Weeks !
Last time I had explained about "How To Get High PR Backlinks Easily" You can also Check Our All SEO Posts
Now this is the list of High PR Forums where you can make your profile and put your blog / website link by editing your profile this is the most secure and ethical way. Just copy paste the following links and register there. Enjoy !
1. http://forums.digitalpoint.com
2. http://www.vuju.com/
3. http://checkthisup.com
4. http://www.sitepoint.com/forums
5. http://www.thewebmasterforum.net
6. http://www.webmasterforums.com
7. http://www.allcoolforum.com
8. http://www.warriorforum.com
9. http://forums.webicy.com
10. http://thehyipforum.com
11. http://www.webmasterforumsonline.com
12. http://www.webmasters.am/forum
13. http://www.webmasterforums.net
14. http://www.devhunters.com
15. http://www.webmaster-forum.net
16. http://www.geekvillage.com/forums
17. http://www.zymic.com/forum
18. http://www.webmastershelp.com
19. http://www.webmasterdesk.org
20. http://www.webmasterground.com
21. http://developers.evrsoft.com/forum
22. http://www.websitebabble.com
23. http://www.elancetalk.com
24. http://www.talkingcity.com
25. http://www.australianwebmaster.com
26. http://www.wtricks.com
27. http://www.forums.webzonetalk.com
28. http://www.htmlforums.com
29. http://www.searchbliss.com/forum
30. http://www.webmasterize.com
31. http://www.webmasterserve.com
32. http://www.freehostforum.com
33. http://www.seorefugee.com/forums
34. http://www.cre8asiteforums.com/forums
35. http://forums.seo.ph
36. http://forums.delphiforums.com
37. http://www.web-mastery.net
38. http://www.webworkshop.net/seoforum/index.php
39. http://www.webproworld.com
40. http://www.bzimage.org
41. http://www.v7n.com/forums
42. http://www.dnforum.com
43. http://www.webcosmoforums.com
44. http://forums.webicy.com
45. http://forum.hittail.com/phpbb2/index.php
46. http://www.affiliateseeking.com/forums
47. http://siteownersforums.com/index.php
48. http://www.webmaster-forums.net
49. http://www.geekpoint.net
50. http://www.smallbusinessforums.org
51. http://forums.ukwebmasterworld.com
52. http://www.experienceadvertising.com/forum
53. http://opensourcephoto.net/forum
54. http://forums.seochat.com
55. http://forums.searchenginewatch.com
56. http://www.ihelpyou.com/forums
57. http://dishnews.medianetwork.co.in/yabb2/YaBB.pl
58. http://www.businesss-forum.com
59. http://www.9mb.com
60. http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums
61. http://forums.seroundtable.com
62. http://www.submitexpress.com/bbs
63. http://www.startups.co.uk/6678842908486596004/forums.html
64. http://www.webmaster-talk.com
65. http://forums.comicbookresources.com
66. http://www.clicks.ws/forum/index.php
67. http://www.acorndomains.co.uk
68. http://forums.onlinebookclub.org
69. http://www.ableton.com/forum
70. http://www.davidcastle.org/BB
71. http://www.webtalkforums.com
72. http://www.bloggapedia.com/forum
73. http://www.bloggertalk.com/forum.php
74. http://paymentprocessing.cc
75. http://www.directoryjunction.com/forums
76. http://www.internetmarketingforums.net
77. http://www.lex224.com/forums/index.php
78. http://forum.joomla.org
79. http://forum.mambo-foundation.org/index.php
80. http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php
81. http://www.namepros.com/index.php
82. http://loanofficerforum.com/forum
83. http://iq69.com/forums
84. http://forum.hot4s.com.au
85. http://forums.mysql.com
86. http://forums.amd.com/forum
87. http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/isn/Community/en-us/Forums
88. http://forums.cnet.com
89. http://seotalk.medianetwork.co.in
90. https://www.computerbb.org
91. http://forum.vbulletinsetup.com
92. http://www.irishwebmasterforum.com
93. http://www.app-developers.com
94. http://forums.stuffdaily.com
95. http://forums.seo.com
96. http://www.webdigity.com
97. http://www.inboundlinksforum.com
98. http://forums.gentoo.org
99. http://ubuntuforums.org
100. http://forum.textpattern.com