Basic Blogger SEO Tips

Basic Blogger SEO Tips
Hello friends, today I’m going to tell your some basic but most unique and important “Blogger SEO Tips” , As we know Blogger SEO is most important factor for getting high traffic from Google, Ask, Bing or other similar search engines also it helps to increase your Alexa and Google Page Rank.

What is Blogger SEO ?

I would like to define Blogger SEO [Search Engine Optimization] is some simple words, according to me, Blogger SEO is the way to extend your blog to the world wide web i.e. to tell search engines to submit your blog contents [Blog articles, posts] or to index your blog database. If you are not getting enough traffic then you need Blogger SEO. In this method you can submit your blogs to various search engines like Google, Bing [Yahoo], Ask, AltaVista, AOL etc etc, there are thousands of search engines all over the world. Submitting your blog or site to all search engines gets your blog / site online and this increases the visibility score of your blog / site. Its one of the most important part before you start blogging. Every professional blogger applies Blogger SEO to his blog because without any blogger SEO he can’t do blogging. It contains On page SEO and Off page SEO
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Why It is Important ?

Blogger SEO helps Search Engines to Index your blog contents including blog sitemap and other parts, due to this your blog’s visibility score increases  and your blog appears in search engine search results. As we know there are maximum or We can say most of the chances that the visitor or surfer will click 1st search result [If he’s not satisfied then he also searches other results] but my point to say is that if you get your blog or site 1st on google’s 1st page then you can get maximum or most of the traffic perticularly for that niche. So that’s great thing about getting your blog on 1st page for that you need to do Blogger SEO.

What you should do to make your blog SEO Friendly ?

Well, you first have to Subscribe Us for receiving Best Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks, You can Subscribe Us via your Email. You will receive our updates straight to your inbox.
Its a bit easy to make your Blog SEO Friendly if you follow our steps. You just need to do proper On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. This can make your blog total SEO friendly as you can get most profitable chances about getting your blog on top !

What is On Page SEO ?

On Page SEO means customizing or optimizing your blogger template / HTML codings for Blogger SEO. It may be considered as adding code snippets [like Meta Tags, Scripts] to your blogger template or removing critical codes [viruses, trojans etc] from your site/blog to make a total SEO friendly Blog Template. I recommend you to check our “On Page SEO Tips” and “Best Practices For On Page Blogger SEO”

What is Off Page SEO ?

Off Page SEO means doing Blogger SEO without any template / HTML editing, In simple words we can say that Off Page SEO means building your blog backlinks, Increasing your blog sharing on social network sites [like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Technorati, Stumnble Upon] , Indexing your Blog Contents on Google, Ask, Bing other search engines via Sitemaa etc, I truly recommend you to try our “Off Page SEO Tips” and “Best Practices for On Page Blogger SEO”

Final Words :

Well, friends its really important to do Blogger SEO, I truly recommend you to follow Our Tips and Tricks, Wish You a Happy Blogging.