The Importance of Changing Your Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter, also known as the air conditioning or AC filter, is an integral component of your vehicle. It removes dust, allergens and pollution through a high-particulate filtration device that is attached to the outside air intake of your car's ventilation system.

The cabin air filter is important because how you maintain it affects the quality of the air you breathe inside the passenger compartment. This is a particularly vital step for people who have allergies and those that live in dense populations with intense pollution or smog. Not changing the filter often enough not only decreases the performance of your vehicle's air conditioning system, but it can also make your allergy symptoms more severe.

Allergies and Asthma
As anyone with seasonal allergies can confirm, riding in the car with the windows down during peak pollen periods can quickly bring discomfort. The same irritation may occur when you're driving around with a dirty cabin air filter, as it is no longer effectively reducing pollution and allergens.

Particulate matter from road debris, tire wear, exhaust and dirt are particularly aggravating for asthma and allergy sufferers. Clean cabin air filters reduce contact with particulate matter while driving, which can make a difference in the quality of your commute, as well as recurring allergy symptoms.

AC System Performance
Cabin air filters not only have the ability to eliminate irritating pollutants and road dust, they also directly affect your vehicle's heating, ventilation and conditioning (HVAC) system. A clean cabin air filter improves the overall efficiency of your vehicle.

When the filter needs to be changed, it essentially causes your air conditioner to work harder. As your air conditioning system operates less efficiently, this wastes horsepower and decreases the amount of air flow to the passenger compartment. This also means that the inside of your car will have higher temperatures as the air conditioner struggles to keep up.

Annual Filter Change
Most car manufacturers recommend that the cabin air filter be changed every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, or at least once a year. This varies depending on the pollution level of your location and your typical driving conditions. Car owners who frequently drive on gravel or dirt roads should consider changing the filter closer to 4,000 or 5,000 miles, or every six months.

It's important to properly maintain the cabin air filter in order to operate a more efficient vehicle and to breathe cleaner air in the passenger compartment. Where car maintenance is concerned, it is best to consult your vehicle's owner manual and seek the advice of a trusted local tune-up clinic.