Sports Hypnosis And Why It's Like Taking Your Car To The Mechanic

The term "sports hypnosis" may conjure up fears in you about having your mind controlled by somebody other than you. You even may fear that a hypnotist will make you do something humiliating in public such as barking like a dog or some other nonsensical act. All of those fears can be put to rest now!

Hypnosis, whether it is used for sports or any other purpose, is simply a mechanism to make some sort of change in your subconscious. In simplified terms, think of going to visit a hypnotist as taking your car to an auto mechanic. The mechanic will either "pop the hood" or raise the car on the lift in order to get access to the necessary parts. What you have to remember is that an auto mechanic can do one of three things: fix something wrong, service your car to keep it running properly, or (better yet) make actual improvements to the car!

A qualified hypnotist can do the same things: help you fix problems, give you a "mental tune up", or even help install new programming to get you to the next level even though nothing is "broken" with you. Remember that the "hypnosis" part is simply getting you to relax so that the hypnotist can access your subconscious mind just like the auto mechanic can access your car's parts. What makes hypnotists unique is the array of techniques and therapies they employ when you are ALREADY in a relaxed, hypnotic state.

Before going to a hypnotist, ask the person in what therapies and techniques they are qualified. Some may do age regression work, some may use Time Line Therapy, and others use traditional Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. Make sure that you are honest with the hypnotist and state your intention whether it is to clean up some past trauma, get a "mental tune up", or simply improve what is already working so that you can get to the next level in your sport. This honesty, combined with an understanding of hypnosis and what it can do, will go a long way toward helping you get the most out of your time and money invested with a qualified hypnotist who is trained to help you with your specific situations.