Should I Get My Car Windshield Repaired Or Replaced?

It has happened to all of us: we've been driving down the expressway stuck behind a large truck, and it kicked up a stone that hit our windshield. At first, it appeared to harmlessly bounce off, but as we drove down the road we realized that the stone took out a chunk of the windshield and spread a crack halfway across the surface of the glass.

Since even a small crack or divot in a windshield can get worse over time and potentially lead to a dangerous situation, it is important to either replace your windshield or have it repaired as quickly as possible. However, knowing whether to replace your windshield outright or have it repaired is a decision that you will have to make, and going into the glass repair shop armed with some information can benefit you quite a bit.

Depending on the size, depth, and placement of the damage done to your windshield, actually repairing the glass can range in price. Generally, most damages done to the windshield may be repaired, provided that it is less than a quarter-sized chip or cracks less than three inches long. Usually damage more severe than this will require an outright replacement of the windshield. You should also be aware that even when repairs can be done to windshields, they will often leave a minor distortion where the divot or crack once was. While some people have no problem tolerating this distortion, it may greatly distress other drivers if it lies directly in their line of vision. Due to this, you may prefer to replace the windshield outright.

Broadly speaking, windshield glass repair is relatively inexpensive, and usually costs around $50 for the first spot of chipped glass with each additional spot costing $10. Cracks repair usually fall into the same price range. Outright replacing windshield glass, as you might expect, can be fairly expensive. A replaced windshield for a Toyota Camry, for example, usually runs about $350, whereas a Chevrolet Corvette can be as high as $650. Thankfully, most insurance companies cover most of the cost for windshield replacement, requiring only a small deductible.

If your windshield needs repair work or possibly replacement, there are a number of different auto glass repair services which can handle the repairs for you. Automotive glass specialists can usually be found in major cities, and are capable of both repairing and replacing windshields. Alternatively, there are windshield repair facilities in some cities, and while they cannot replace windshields, they can repair most damages. Finally, new car dealers equipped with mechanic garages can usually take care of the problem for you, but you will often spend more money here than you would at a specialist shop.

Regardless of which route you decide to take, it is important that you get your windshield repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Few things can be as dangerous to a driver as impaired vision, or, even worse, a windshield that cracks in a spider-web shape while you're driving it.