Meeting on e-Pension/e-PPO/e-revision of pension

No. CPAO/E-REVISION/PRE-2006/2013-14/09/

Central Pension Accounting Office

Department of Expenditure

Ministry of Finance

Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place

New Delhi-110066

Dated : 25/06/2013

Minutes of Meeting

Sub: Meeting on e-Pension/e-PPO/e-revision of pension

A meeting was convened on 19/6/2013 at 11 A.M. in CPAO in the chamber of Dr. Dilip Kumar, Controller of Accounts to discuss various aspects to implement e-PPO/e-Pension and e-revision of pension. Please find enclosed minutes of meeting for necessary action at your end.

This issues with the approval of Controller of Accounts.



Pay and Accounts Officer (CON) 

                                                                       Minutes of Meeting

A meeting was convened on 19/6/2013 at 11 A.M. in CPAO in the chamber of Dr. Dilip Kumar, Controller of Accounts to discuss various aspects of implementing of e-PPO/e¬Pension and e-revision projects. The following attended the meeting:

1)    Smt. Amita Gupta, Sr. Technical Director, NIC, CPAO

2)    Sh. Devinder Kumar, Technical Director, NIC, CPAO

3)    Sh. Dipankar Sen, Technical Director, NIC, CGA Office

4)    Sh. Durga Prasad Tripathi, Scientific Officer, NIC, CGA Office

5)    Sh. Vijay Singh, Sr. Accounts Officer, Technical Section, CPAO

6)    Sh. D. K. Saini, PAO, CDN, CPAO

After details discussions, the following points emerged for action:

I. e-PPO project

1)    CPAO has been continuously making efforts for exploring data of Compact in respect of pension cases (new PPO) to avoid mistakes generally committed in CPAO. It has now been completed by NIC, CPAO and NIC, CGA Office. Sh. Dipankar Sen, informed that the utility is for testing and approval stage by IT, CGA Office. The same would be available for all PAOs within 2-3 days. An O.M. No. CPAO/Tech/e-PPO/2013-14/57 dated 3/6/2013 regarding its operation has already been issued.

(Action: All CCAs/CAs)

2)    In pension module of COMPACT, date of retirement comes as 60 by default. The same can be amended / edited. It would be informed to BSF so that authority could be generated by them only on compact and submitted to CPAO through text-file generated in compact alongwith the hard copy of the authority in usual manner.


II. e-revision of pension cases of pre-2006 pensioners

1) In pursuance of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 regarding stepping up the pension of the pensioners of pre-2006 up to 50% of the sum of minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired (effective date of payment of enhanced pension/family pension is 24/09/2012), the need of revise proforma and software (e-revision utility) was felt to facilitate to all Pay and Accounts Officers of Central Civil Ministries/Departments in order to process the case quickly.

It was decided that an exercise would be conducted by NIC,CGA Office on the cases of pre-2006 pensioners which have already been revised as per 6th CPC and to decide whether revision is required or not in the pension cases in the light of DOPT order dated 28/01/2013. The list would be provided by.NIC/CGA Office within 2 days and the same would be made available to all CCAs/CAs to facilitate the PAOs to manage to revise the cases immediately.    (Action: NIC, CGA Office)

2) E-revision authority would be communicated to banks (CPPC) through digital signature of Officers of CPAO. To decide the strategy/feasibility for smooth transmission of e- revision authority to CPPC, a committee consisting 4 banks (State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and Axis Bank) has been constituted by CPAO. A meeting would be convened by the committee on 02/07/2013 at 11 a.m. in CPAO.

(Action: Tech.Section, CPAO)

III. E-Pension

It has been decided to initiate this project in phase manner:-

1st Phase:

a)    For processing pension cases at the level of Head of Office

The image files of photographs, signature, finger print etc. shall be provided by HOO to PAO in respect of all retiring employees. Size of the files and other features like uploading/storing the files would be decided by CPAO, NIC within one month.

(Action all Ministries/Departments and NIC,CPAO)

b)    An O.M. would be issued with the approval of CGA to all administrative Ministries/Departments to make necessary preparatory arrangement for the same.

(Action: Technical Section, CPAO)

2′nd Phase

a)    Pension cases would be processed from Head of Office to Bank through digital signature at all levels,

b)    The digital signature mechanism including verification/authentication of digital signature, maintenance of data base, safety, security etc. will be done by NIC, CGA office. Accordingly study would be completed by NIC, CPAO with the help of NIC, CGA office within 3 months.

(Action: NIC, CPAO and NIC, CGA Office)

c)    A separate data base for CPAO: CPAO is in processing of establishing a separate data base at Shastri Park, New Delhi. The same will be completed within 3 months.

(Action: NIC, CPAO)
