i3 To Be Priced in the Low to Mid $40,000

The i3 in Solar Metallic Orange
There has been a lot of speculation on the i3's price. A few days ago Autoblog posted a story that claimed they had confirmation the i3 would cost $34,500. However today Dave Buchko, a spokesman for BMW North America told Edmunds Automotive this in a telephone conversation: "The base price of the i3 in the U.S., not including the tax incentive, will be in the low-to-mid-$40,000s"

So while Autoblog wasn't correct, they may not have been entirely wrong. The i3 will qualify for the maximum electric vehicle Federal tax rebate of $7,500. Therefore if the base price is $42,000, than the effective cost would be exactly what Autoblog said it would be, $34,500. Hopefully we'll get official pricing as well as technical information at the i3 World Premier on July 29th. 

For the full Edmunds story, click HERE.