What is Blogger Badge ?
Blogger badge is just a button which contains the Url or link address of any destination you have specified. Its a littile button as shown in the picture above, when you click on that badge it redirects you to the definite Blog/Website.Care to Add Our Badge?
Do you love us ? Then copy this code and add our badge to your blog/site ;-)<a style='text-decoration:none;color:white;text-
transform:uppercase;background-color: #00C4FF;padding:4px;border:4px solid #00B5EC;border-radius:8px;font-
weight:bold;font-family:georgia;border-bottom-left-radius:2px;border-top-right-radius:2px;text-shadow:1px 1px
1px black;' target="blank" title="Best Blogger Tricks, Widgets, Computer , Internet Tricks and Many More"
Adding the Badge to Blogger
You need to create your own blogger badge for adding it to your Blog/Site.
For that CoolText.com is the best option for creating any kind of Blogger Badge.
Go to Cooltext.com/Logo-Design-Pixel-Badge , fill the details correctly.
Customizing Your Badge :
Type your blog name in boxes, pick up beautiful and Fresh Colors for the Badge.
Type Left Text, Right Text, Choose thier colors , choose background.
Important : Now tick " " Option and Hit "Create Logo"
Thus you have created the Badge for your blog ! Now upload it to uploadnow.org
And get the direct link for your badge [after uploading select it from the options]
Important : Now tick " " Option and Hit "Create Logo"
Thus you have created the Badge for your blog ! Now upload it to uploadnow.org
And get the direct link for your badge [after uploading select it from the options]
Don't Forget to Check New Updated, Beautiful CSS Blogger Badge !
Installing the Badge on your blog
Now go to blogger > Layout > Add Gadget > Select HTML/Java Script.<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <center> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: center;" trbidi="on"> <a href="http://techethix.blogspot.com/"><img alt="" src="http://uploadnow.org/graphic/2013/July/07/349242-techethix.gif" title="Blogger tricks" /></a></div> </center> <center> <input onclick="this.focusundefined);this.selectundefined)" readonly="" type="tricksteacher1" value="<a href="www. techethix.blogspot.com"><img alt="" src=" http://uploadnow.org/graphic/2013/July/07/349242-techethix.gif" title="Blogger tricks" /></a>" /> </center> </div><div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <a href="http://www.bloggerhero.com/2013/07/how-to-add-badge-to-blogger.html">grab this</a><!--Grab Our Button Widget--></div> </div>
Paste the above code and change http://techethix.blogspot.com/ with your blog address andhttp://uploadnow.org/graphic/2013/July/07/349242-techethix.gif with your uploaded badge url.
Click save you are done, move the gadget to anywhere you want to show.
Note : Please dont remove the attribution link We have added to this widget.
Drop your comments here and please share this post if you like :-)
and yeah, dont forget to add our Badge to your Blog/Site :-)