Create Iphone Wallpaper

Create iPhone Wallpaper

Though every iPhone comes preloaded with beautiful wallpapers from which to choose, it is perfectly reasonable to want to personalize your device, especially when you probably spend so much time using it. Custom wallpapers are the best way to further personalize and optimize your iPhone experience. It is easy to create wallpaper on your own that represents you. Turn any personal photograph from your library or perhaps a logo from your favorite sports team into wallpaper that perfectly fits the dimensions of your iPhone device.


1. Find the picture that you would like to use as wallpaper for your iPhone from the web or from your personal photograph library. Use a graphics program like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paint Shop Pro to resize and crop the image you have select to fit the standard dimensions of an iPhone wallpaper, 320 pixels by 480 pixels. Edit photos on the web at sites like Photobucket to resize and crop the image to the standard iPhone dimensions, alternatively.

2. Save the photo to your computer's hard drive where you can easily locate it again. Send the photo from your computer as an email attachment to the email account you use on your iPhone device.

3. Access your email account from your iPhone in the Mail application. Open the email you sent to yourself that includes the wallpaper attachment you have just created. Tap the image to get the option to save it. Close Mail.

4. Open Photos. Find the wallpaper image you have just saved and click (or "tap") it. Click the icon of the box with the right pointing arrow, which should appear first at the bottom of the screen. Choose Use As Wallpaper from the prompt of options that will appear. "Move and Scale" as you wish, and click "Set Wallpaper" when you are satisfied.

Tags: from your, your iPhone, crop image, email account, have just, image have, iPhone device