Signs of a Radiator Problem

Signs of a Radiator Problem

The radiator is an essential part of automobile engine cooling systems. In normal operation, the water pump circulates coolant through the engine block, picking up excess heat from combustion. The coolant then is pumped through the radiator to transfer that heat to the atmosphere. But things don't always work like they are supposed to. Drivers should be alert to the critical signs of radiator and cooling system problems that may require a visit to the repair shop.

Coolant Leaks

    The most obvious sign of radiator/cooling system trouble is puddles of green or orange coolant under your car or in the passenger compartment, said the website. Other signs of cooling system leakage include green or orange stains on the radiator or engine, a strong coolant smell from the engine compartment or frequent need to add coolant to the radiator. Leaks can indicate radiator punctures or corrosion, deteriorated radiator hoses or engine gasket failure. Leaks into the passenger compartment can come from deteriorated heater hoses or corrosion in the heater core.

Overheating Engine

    An overheating engine is another warning sign of potential cooling system troubles. If the engine temperature gauge reads well above normal or the temperature warning light comes on, your engine is running far hotter than normal and could be damaged unless the cause is corrected. An overheating engine may indicate coolant loss or a clogged radiator, said

Heater Failure

    A car heater that suddenly starts blowing cold air can be a warning of radiator/cooling system problems, said The core of a car heater is a miniature radiator and fan that transfers engine heat to the passenger compartment. If your heater suddenly starts blowing cold air, this indicates hot coolant from the engine no longer is circulating through the heater core because of low coolant or other problems.