Mechanic Error

When we take our cars to a shop for regular maintenance or repairs, we trust that the mechanics on duty will properly fix the problems and return our vehicles in safe driving condition. Sometimes however, for one reason or another, a vehicle is cleared to leave an auto shop when it is not fit to be driven. An unsuspecting customer may pay the mechanic for his or her work and leave the shop, only to later have a serious accident caused by a vehicle malfunction. If you have been injured in an accident because your vehicle malfunctioned, a mechanic may be liable.

Possible Errors

Because cars are so complex, there are many things that could go wrong when they are being serviced. In some cases the issue may be the part itself or the design of the car, but in other situations it may be the mechanic's negligence that causes the problem. Some possible mechanic errors that could later lead to vehicle malfunction are:

  • Repairing a vehicle with the wrong tools or parts

  • Forgetting to properly tighten certain parts, such as a wheel

  • Forgetting to attach the oil, radiator, or other fluid cap, causing a leak and engine damage

  • Failing to notice damage or a malfunctioning part that needs repair

  • Failing to inform the car owner of a serious repair or maintenance problem

Mechanic Liability

In some cases, a mechanic can be held liable for poor maintenance or repair that later caused a car to malfunction. Vehicle malfunctions can be extremely costly, both in terms of damage caused and injuries sustained if there is an accident. To hold a mechanic liable, the owner must be able to show that the mechanic was negligent. There must be evidence that he or she failed to notice a problem or did not properly perform the maintenance or repair. In addition, you must be able to show that this negligence caused the damage to your car or the conditions that led to the accident.

Car accident attorneys are experienced at determining whether you have grounds to file a lawsuit in situations such as these. If you believe that a mechanic error may have caused your vehicle to malfunction, consider talking with a car accident lawyer immediately. He or she can investigate the situation surrounding your vehicle's malfunction or accident to determine if the mechanic or another party may be liable. If there is evidence that the mechanic was negligent and caused your vehicle failure, s/he may be legally accountable for your injuries and damages and may be ordered to provide compensation.

For More Information

To learn more about mechanic error and accident liability, please visit the website of the experienced Sheboygan car accident lawyers of Habush, Habush & Rottier, SC today.