Employment Information Centres

Ministry of Labour & Employment have not issued instructions to the State Governments to set up Employment Information Centres in each village. However, Common Service Centers have been set up in the rural areas by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (earlier named as Department of Information Technology) which may be used as outreach centres for Employment Exchanges for online registration by job seekers.

The Employment Exchanges are already performing this activity. Employment assistance and vocational guidance to the registered job-seekers is provided about job opportunities in both public & private sectors by Employment Exchanges functioning in all States/UTs. Employment Exchanges book/receive vacancies notified by the non agricultural establishments in the private sector employing 25 or more persons under the provisions of Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 and submit the names of registered job-seekers. Vacancies/ information about job opportunities from establishments in the private sector employing 24 or less persons are received on voluntary basis and names of candidates are submitted as per the requirement of the employers.

This information was given by Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri Kodikunnil Suresh in the Lok Sabha today in reply to a written question.
