Creative Pencil Holder

I am constantly trying to organize the different spaces in our house. One of the most difficult areas deals with all the paperwork and homework my three kids bring home from school! What should you keep? What can you throw away? I struggle with whether or not to keep old school assignments that might be of use for studying or as notes for doing homework :: but do they ever actually use them? Do I ever remember to pull out those old assignments when they could use them? NO! I am still trying to think of the perfect school work/paper system - and when I do I will blog about it for anyone who feels as though they are swimming, uphill, through school paper!

Today however, I tackled something different - perhaps a little easier, but helpful nonetheless :: A pretty way to corral pens and pencils and all the instruments needed for homework. My kids often do homework in the dinning room, we have a big table and its light (and can be spacious if clean!) and central - i.e. I am close. Now I am finding that I have to constantly pick up the pens and pencils taken from their desk area in the kitchen and brought over to the dinning room. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention! I was mulling around in my head all morning as I went about cleaning the rest of the house: what can I put the pencils in? I have a variety of little pails - but none where the right color for the dinning room or would really look good there. Suddenly I remembered that I had a packet of small origami papers. I honestly have no idea where they came from. Perhaps my sister. But a light bulb went on in my head and I grabbed the papers, a glue stick and an empty jar - which I have a plethora of!

Really any kind of thin paper will do - origami or tissue. And any size is fine - you can always cut it to the size that works best for your glass jar.

 I rolled the glue onto the paper and then stuck it on the jar. I didn't even make a pattern - although I might for the next one! It took me under 10 minutes and made the table so much nicer. It can be left on the table or set somewhere else and looks great anywhere. Glass jars are your friends!!