Use An Old Battery Car Charger

Battery chargers help lengthen the life of car batteries.

Battery chargers can help lengthen the life of a typical battery. Their designs have not changed very much over the years. Chargers on the market today offer timers and additional options such as digital readouts. All battery chargers have cables that must be connected to the battery and be allowed time to charge the battery. Older chargers should be inspected to make sure they are safe to use.


1. Inspect the battery charger. If the charger has an On/Off switch, make sure the charger is set to the Off position. Keep the charger unplugged. With old chargers, it is important to look over the cables to make sure they are insulated. Any exposed areas should be covered with electrical tape.

2. Connect the positive cable clip to the positive post on the battery. The cable and the posts are both typically red.

3. Connect the negative clip, which is black, to a safe ground position on the frame of the vehicle. If you are charging the battery outside, use jumper cables. Connect the negative jumper cable to the negative battery post. Use the other end of the jumper cable and connect the negative clip to the negative clip of the charger.

4. Set up the battery volt (6 or 12) and amps (2, 6, 12 or 30) for the battery if the charger has these options. Once all settings have been set and checked to make sure they are correct, plug in the charger to a grounded outlet and turn it on.

5. Charge the battery for the recommended period of time. The resource section offers a chart showing battery size and volts with recommended charging times.

6. Remove the battery charger once complete. Turn off the charger and plug. Remove the negative, black cable first, followed by positive, red cable.

Tags: make sure, make sure they, negative clip, sure they, battery charger, Battery chargers, Battery chargers help