Oil Change: How To Know When You Need One

By getting an oil change on a regular and frequent basis, you can prevent a number of maladies from infecting your car and making costly problems where you don't need them. Oil is the lifeblood of your car; it is the lubricant that keeps everything running smoothly. If you've been without one for a while and are wondering if you should wait for your car to give you a hint before you do so, the answer is no. Mileage should tell you all you need to know, and the exact number of this mileage can be found in your car's manual. However, if you are looking for specific signs that your car needs to have a lube job, here are some to be wary of.

Experts recommend checking the dipstick every other time you get gas. Take a look around at your local gas station and you'll see that very few people adhere to this rule, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. When you do so, look out for dirty oil. When it is good, it should look light in color. When it is dirty and old, it will become much darker and can take on an even more viscous nature. If you pull out the dipstick and see this kind of color on the end of it, you know that it is time for a change.

The dipstick can also tell you if you have low levels, which can also be a sign you are in need of an oil change. Don't get into the habit of refilling yourself, unless it is running out on a weekly basis (in which case you need to take the car in for repairs). Getting any amount of the old fluid out of the engine is important, even if it is just a small amount. If you have an older car, it is more likely to burn through the lubricant more quickly than a newer car would. Be vigilant when it comes to checking your levels, as an engine with little or no lubricant can seize up or overheat in a hurry.

If your car comes with a warning light and it comes on, that means it is time to take it in for an oil change. While you are there, you might ask the technicians why you are running low (assuming you have been following the manufacturer's guidelines for how often you should be taking it in) and see if there is something that can be done to fix the problem.