Have Your Car Maintained By The Same Mechanics Who Change Your Oil

Routine maintenance like oil changes and regular checkups are so important for having a car that works when you need it to. Neglecting basic maintenance will often mean a vehicle that breaks down more often and needs replacement parts that should have lasted a whole lot longer. The best way to prevent unnecessary problems like these is to establish a relationship with experts you can trust and put in the time to keep your car running smoothly before problems develop. An important tip in taking care of this is to have your car maintained by the same mechanics that are doing your oil changes. You will find that taking this simple precaution will save you a whole lot of trouble both in the short and long term.

Service History

Every car is unique and will run into a different series of issues throughout its lifetime. Very often a history of these issues will be critical information for the mechanic servicing your vehicle, in order to get the most comprehensive view of the problem possible. If you go to a different place to have your car worked on than you would normally use for oil changes, this will mean giving a thorough explanation, in your own words, of the issues you have had with the vehicle. For many of us, this will be delivered at best in a less than eloquent way and at worse incorrectly. Sticking with the same mechanics solves this problem, because they are not just familiar with the history, they helped to create it.


Anyone who has ever gone to a mechanic will attest that, next to expertise, trust is the most important feature of the experience. It is a common stereotype that mechanics will attempt to mislead customers into believing their car has problems that really do not exist in order to charge exorbitant fees for their services. You should know that there are definitely mechanics out there that you can trust, that have many good relationships with customers who will affirm their positive experiences. However, be aware that the stereotypes do not exist for no reason, and that there are mechanics out there who will take advantage of their specialized knowledge to overcharge you. To avoid running into this frustrating and costly issue, once you find a service that you trust, stick with it. Have the people you already know and feel comfortable with take care of both your oil changes and your maintenance, without wasting time testing out other services. This is really a no brainer, but more often than you would think, people simply stop anywhere rather than heading straight for the place they already trust with their oil changes. The next time you need maintenance you can skip this hassle and have the job done right.