Change Your Modem With Comcast

Stop modem lease fees by buying your own modem.

If you subscribe to Comcast cable Internet service, you probably are leasing a Comcast modem for about $3 a month. If you want to avoid that monthly rental fee on your cable bill, you could purchase your own cable modem.


1. Disconnect your current cable modem.

2. Connect your new modem by plugging it in to an outlet and connecting your cable to the appropriate input.

3. Write down the MAC address of your new modem. You probably will find this on a sticker on your modem. It also may be noted on the box or in the documentation that came with it.

4. Call Comcast at (800) 266-2278 and select the option to speak with a technician.

5. Tell the technician you are replacing the Comcast modem with your own modem. He will need to add the MAC address of your new modem to your account so it can connect to the Comcast servers. After he has done so, you should be able to access the Internet with your new modem.

6. Cancel the lease of your Comcast modem by turning it in at a nearby Comcast office. Tell the representative you have purchased your own modem and will no longer need to lease the device. The rep will take the old modem and you will no longer be charged a modem leasing fee on your monthly bill.

Tags: your modem, Comcast modem, modem will, your cable, address your, address your modem, cable modem