Bullet Proof Glass For The Common Person

Most of us are not important politicians or CEO's of world-wide organizations. This means that our safety is not often jeopardized by crazed assassins with machine guns, and so generally we don't have to worry about cruising around in an unarmored vehicle. Lucky for us!

However, many of us live in cities with high crime rates or often travel to shady areas where gang members and drive by shootings commonly occur. If this is your situation you may want to consider installing bullet proof glass into your vehicle as an extra safety precaution.

What is bullet proof glass made of?

Bullet proof glass can be produced in a variety of ways, but usually it's made by layering a polycarbonate material between sheets of ordinary glass. This creates a glass like material that is thicker than normal glass. The thickness of bullet resistant glass can vary between 7-75 millimeters.

If a bullet strikes

What happens when a bullet strikes this type of glass? Generally, it will pierce the outside layer only. That's where the bullet stops. The reason for this is that the polycarbonate material is able to absorb the bullet's energy and stop its destruction power dead in its tracks (pun intended).

However, if being gunned down in your car is a serious concern, you may want to invest in bullet resistant glass and a fully armored car. These types of cars will stop a bullet from entering your car at all. Contact a reputable Utah auto glass dealer for questions and installation.