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BRIGHTEN UP - Article from Revealed Design Home Interiors 2013 Magazine
Lisa makes sure her clients are heavily involved in the design process as it’s their home. She likes to understand her clients lifestyles and be involved from the very early stages before any work has commenced. This allow us to work on a blank canvas with as few restrictions as possible, you just need a vision and a suitable budget.
Lisa loves a challenge and her clients often have very specific briefs. “I had a wonderful client who runs her beautician business from home and wanted her new kitchen’s seating area to double up as relaxed waiting room. As pink is her favourite colour, she was incredibly keen to incorporate pink into the kitchen.”
“I came up with a simple scheme that would fulfil my client’s brief but also would be very easy to alter if she ever wanted to sell her home. I incorporated two bright pink fuchsia circles into the kitchen and kept the rest of the worksurfaces, units and floor neutral in black and cream.
"You just need a vision and a suitable budget"
“The circles can be popped out and replaced by black circles at any point if the occasion ever arose and in the meantime my client can enjoy a kitchen suited to her own tastes and bring some fun into her breakfast table come waiting area!”