An office in the nude

Who said Monday mornings back at work had to be painful?! I love the nude, black and white colour scheme paired with the slightly masculine styling of this office space by Norske Interiör Bloggers (NIB) for Studio Magazine, Norway. If I worked here I'd be one very happy Monday morning person indeed, what about you?!

Norske Interiör Bloggers with kind permission

The office was styled with pieces borrowed from fab Norwegian shops  VERKET INTERIØRZANZHVIIT and BOLINAYou can pick up a Vitra Panton Chair in white here (15% discount with the code MYSCAN). 

Any pieces you liked in particular? I think the oversized pencil sharpener is pretty cool!

I hope you all had a fab weekend. Happy Monday to you all, here's to an office full if nudes!