Unusual Car Smell Warning Signs

?Having your car serviced by a qualified motor mechanic on a regular basis is best preventative measure you can take when it comes to car care. Not only will you have the reassurance and peace of mind that comes with a well serviced vehicle which will also be doing your best to preserve its value over a period of time.

Occasionally however, you will be faced with an issue that requires more attention especially if your car suffers from a fluid leak or you noticed some unusual smells. Here we are going to take a look at what an unusual odour could mean and what remedial steps you can take to prevent any further problems or damage.

  • Sometimes, your car may emit a chemical odour that is difficult to determine. This can often happen in other places especially household appliances like refrigerators. The same could be happening in your car. What you smell could be a combination of old plastic, rotten food or rubber. Together these can produce unusual smells which are usually easy to remedy simply by cleaning the car properly.

  • Acidic smells may smell something like weak bleach or something a little more pungent. This can often be the result of a car that has been running hot and the tailpipe is burning some coolant which has leaked into it. You should check your coolant levels and have your auto mechanic look for leaks.

  • Mould and mildew smells can be produced if your car is continually closed up with little ventilation. In much the same way that dirt and dust builds up inside a car, lack of ventilation can cause mould and mildew perform which means you need to perform a simple remedial clean!

  • Sometimes the smell of gasoline can permeate a vehicle and this is something which needs to be attended to immediately. Leaking petrol is dangerous and a fire hazard. Have your mechanic check this out as soon as possible.

  • Occasionally you will have the smell of fuel inside the vehicle even though the vehicle has not been running for some time. This could indicate that the fuel line is leaking so check under the car and under the bonnet to see where the smell is stronger. In any case, you will need to have an auto mechanic inspect your vehicle as soon as possible.

  • In colder climates some vehicles develop a strong smell of antifreeze which disappears after the heating has been turned on for a few minutes. But, if the smell reappears once the engine has stopped it is likely that your heater core has failed and is leaking fluid. You may need to replace the heater core so check with your auto mechanic.

  • There is nothing quite as unnerving as the smell of rotten eggs and this is certainly the case when it is emanating from your vehicle. In some cases this can be produced through an overcharging battery causing it to boil, but you should check this with your mechanic immediately.

These tips highlight the need for regular inspections by your auto mechanic who can help you anticipate problems and apply preventive measures which will only save you the worry, but also money.