How to Distribute Auto Repair Shop Brochures to Increase Sales

Vivid colors, enticing photos and graphics, persuasive messages - these are elements to consider if you want your brochure marketing efforts to succeed. There is one more important thing that you should not forget, though. It's the method of distribution. How you will distribute your auto repair shop brochures have impact on the outcome of your campaign. Proper distribution of your brochure copies will guarantee that you are not wasting your prints on the wrong target audience. Here are few ideas on how you can distribute your auto repair brochures:

Ways to Disseminate Auto Repair Shop Brochures

o Hand out your copies in person - Distributing your copies on streets and selected places is still one of the most effective ways of conveying advertising messages. One great advantage to this method is that you can actually choose where you will hand out your prints - where your target audience may be. Auto trade shows, car shows, race tournaments, auto detailing and repair exhibits - these are places where you can maximize the success of your brochures.

o Use direct mail method - By creating a master list of your current and prospective clients, you know that you are sending your prints only to the right audience. Make sure that your prints are designed with compelling graphics and interesting information. This way, you can be sure that your copy will be read and will not just end up in the trash.

o Tie up with other business - Businesses who are in the same industry but not a direct competition may help you in distributing your brochure prints. You can tie-up with your suppliers, for example. Talk to the owner of the enterprise where you get supplies like auto parts replacements, cleaning supplies, repair tools, etc. Ask them if you can leave copies of your auto repair brochure on their counters so interested clients can pick them up.

o Send brochures along with your business correspondence - When sending invoices or receipts to your clients, you can include a copy or two of your brochures. Just to let them know of the current promotions or services that you offer. You can also send in copies with other correspondence if it is appropriate.

In brochure marketing, you need to maximize both the effects of visual persuasion as well as the variety of methods to distribute them. The tips above shall guide you in executing your marketing campaign.