Passenger Comfort and Safety is Important Too

Keeping your vehicle running smoothly is always a smart move, however interior comfort and over all ride experience is equally important to the passengers. Who of us remembers riding in a friend's car in the midst of winter only to discover (much to your horror) the cabin heater was not working! Brrrr.

Canada gets cold, it's not uncommon for temperatures to drop 20 or 30 degrees below freezing. There are even parts of Canada where it gets colder still -- so much so, people need block heaters to pre-heat their engine before starting it in the mornings. That's why it's important to ensure your block heater is working. Do you know the last time you had yours checked?

Along with maintaining the interior heat and temperature of your vehicle, you need to consider the integrity of the vehicle panels. What do we mean by this? Simply that you need to ensure there are no holes where water can leak in.

Of course leaks are just one way water can get into your car. When there is snow and ice on the ground it gets "walked into your vehicle" where it collects in the floor pans. If it were only ice that would not be so bad, however in North America we use salt to reduce the freezing point. An excess of salt quite literally "eats" or rots fabrics and metals.

One way to protect your vehicle is to use good-quality rubber based floor mats -- the special kind capable of capturing quite a bit of water. Your automotive service provider can advise and supply the perfect floor mats for your vehicle. If they need special installation (and some do) they will be happy to help with that also.

Ensuring your vehicle is warm and dry is important, however ensuring you can see out the front and rear windows is vital. Traditional Winter washer fluids do an acceptable job of keeping the windshield clean, however there are ways to improve -- even beyond those fluids designed for subzero temperatures.

Special window or glass treatments provide an exceptionally slick surface which prevents ice from sticking to the glass. These treatments are inexpensive and don't damage the glass, your professional service advisor will be happy to answer any question you may have. A typical window treatment lasts about six months.

Replace your windshield wiper blades at least once a year, a perfect time is when you are having an application of a seasonal window treatment. If you've never seen one of these window treatments in action it's a little hard to explain, however ice quite literally slides off the glass because it never gets a chance to bond. It's the same window safety science they use on jumbo jet windshields to stop ice buildup at 30,000 feet.

This winter remember maintaining your vehicle is important however passenger safety and comfort are critical. If you'd like to know more about window treatment options and other ways to ensure a comfortable cabin experience, talk to your preferred automotive service professional today.