How to Use Blogging for Commercial Purpose

The way you run your commercial blog is your own business, and the mistakes you make are going to prove to be the greatest learning experiences you will ever have. Nevertheless, here are a few things you should consider when you are writing a commercial blog. Some of the tips are rules such as not appearing inferior, and some are guidelines such as where to put your  RSS feed widget.

Adopt the right attitude before you start

There are too many beginners who think that commercial blogging means they must promote something at the expense of the reader. It is not necessary to insist upon promoting something if you run a commercial blog. You are allowed to put the reader first and then promote/ advertise to them once you have built up enough goodwill. On the other hand, if you are writing blog posts to simply grow traffic numbers then you are destined to fail (at least by commercial blog standards).

Don’t waste any time when blogging commercially

Time is a precious commodity for a commercial blog, which means you cannot afford to spend time reading other blogs. Do not waste time unnecessarily. Write your blog with a view to pleasing the reader, and then promote something at the bottom of your blog post.

A commercial blog cannot appear to be inferior

Do not move voluntarily in a position of inferiority in which you profusely apologize for fear of upsetting your readers, or exaggerate your appreciation for them deciding to attend your blog post or reading your blog.

Offer an RSS feed at the end of the blog post

Do not put it at the beginning of your blog post; put it at the end of each blog post so it is visible when the reader has finished reading. If your viewer likes you then he/she will sign up to your RSS feed after reading, and not before.

Plan and set yourself goals

Before each blog post, you must always set a goal. Each blog post must have a specific aim/goal, and that goal must be beneficial for the commercial concern you are writing for. Do not fly blind into your blog posts in the hope you will gain traffic. Your post must have a point or an aim other than simply growing traffic numbers.

Make sure communicate to the right person

Do not waste your time with a person who, whatever happens, will not make the decision to buy and sign a purchase order. You must target your audience so that only the decision makers are reading your commercial blog. There is little point in writing about the qualities of ABS on cars when the only readers are 13-year-old girls.

Be interested in your target audience

You do not need to write a blog asking how their day was, but make sure you are not selfish with your posts. Do not bore people with figures and do not over promote anything at the expense of the user experience. The business relationship is primarily an interpersonal relationship. It is always easier to work with a nice person who inspires confidence, and so if your blog is a thoughtful and considerate one, it will create a better impression in the minds of your readers.

Monitor your comments and ask questions

Too often salespeople rush headlong into the presentation of their products without examining
or addressing the most common questions. As you write more and more posts, you will notice
comments and questions arise. Answer these questions via the comment section and add the
answers into your next blog post. Also, keep these questions in mind when you are writing your
future posts to ensure that others do not ask a similar question.

Rephrase questions or objections in your blog

This technique allows you to demonstrate to your readers that you fully understand the questions that you are posed, and reminds them of some of the comments that have been made. It also informs people that if they make a comment on your blog, it will be addressed in both the comment section and in future blog posts.

Do not intellectualize your business relationship

Be factual but do not try to interpret comments or reader behaviors. A sudden spike in your traffic may mean nothing, and a recurring troublemaker on your comment sections may be acting without motivation.

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