Change Comment Text Color and Background in Blogger Dynamic View

Some time ago, I published a tutorial on how one can highlight author comments in non-dynamic Blogger templates. I couldn't publish a similar one for Dynamic View due to lack of proper handlers in Dynamic View templates. But that doesn't mean we cannot change the generic comment text color or background in these templates. I was surprised to find this option isn't readily available in the Template Designer. In any case, here's how you can change your comment's text color and background in Dynamic View templates.

Step 1: 

Go to Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.
.blogger-comments .comments-content, .ss{
background-color: #272626 !important;
color: white !important;
.blogger-comments .comments-content .comment-replies, .ss{
background-color: #3C3939 !important;
color: white !important;
.blogger-comments .comments-content .user, .blogger-comments .comments-content .user a, .ss{
color: yellow !important;
.comments-content a{
color: #009EB8;


Note: To change a color, replace either the color-words (eg: white, yellow) or the hex tags (eg: #272626, #3C3939) in the code above according to the table below. You can either use simple color text such as 'red', 'green' 'blue' etc, or, you can generate your own hex color tag if you prefer to use a specific color.

Main Comment Background ColorReplace '#272626' in Line 2 to that of your preferred color.
Main Comment Text ColorReplace 'white' in Line 3 to that of your preferred color.
Threaded Comment Background ColorReplace '#3C3939' in Line 6 to that of your preferred color.
Threaded Comment Text ColorReplace 'white' in Line 7 to that of your preferred color.
Profile Name ColorReplace 'yellow' in Line 10 to that of your preferred color.
Comment Link ColorReplace '#009EB8' in Line 13 to that of your preferred color. To leave it at your blog's default link color, replace '#009EB8' with 'default' instead.