Alignment Issues - What to Do If Your Car Wobbles When Traveling Slowly

When your car is wobbling at slow driving speeds (or even fast driving speeds for that matter) it is time to have your alignment checked because that is the number one source of trouble when it comes to wobbling at any speeds.

Other common issues to blame may be that one or more of your tires is running low and that is the cause of the wobbling, rather than the alignment. In other rare incidents it may be that one of the tires is not on as securely as it should be and has so begun to wobble. This is a very bad thing and hence the reason that no matter what the wobbling is you should pull over and take a look yourself to try and identify the problem.

If you are not able to identify the problem yourself then you should take it to your mechanic or the closest shop near you if the problem feels bad enough. If it is only a slight wobble then you might be more than okay to just wait until you have the time to set an appointment and visit your primary mechanic.

An alignment issue with your auto is not generally a serious concern, however, left unattended for many weeks or months, can produce undesirable results and might even begin to shake your car loose around its 'seams.' Just like any mechanical device that is being vibrated violently will have a greater chance of breaking, your car is somewhat similar. Cars are made extremely durably but they have limits and a constant, extreme vibration is not a good thing for the vehicle. Have it checked as soon as it seems good to you.