Title Tag-Search Engine Optimization Tips

Title Tag is one of the best part of onsite Search Engine Optimization.This tag are use for search engine for higher ranking. If you want high ranking in search result you must add specific keyword with your titles. But Make sure that always create a title of your article which are eye catching of every visitor. Title tag are always display in two place one in the top of browser and another in content of post. 

Here I provide a example of Title Tag 
<title> Blog Tips and Tricks </title>
where Blog Tips and Tricks are display as a hyperlink in all search result on internet. 

Title Tag Optimization Tips for SEO

  • Always create your title about 60 to 75 character words because google search engine only use 70 character with space in the search result. So always use this character counter tool for counting your title tag. 
  • Always Use the Most important and relavant keyword in the starting of post. This keyword are always relevant to your article. 
  • Always use short and eyecatching title rather then choosing more and more sentense. (Keep your title as short as much)
  • Always Use Different Title on every post of your website or blog. 

How to Optimize title tag in website

Title tag are first element of visitor see in search engine optimization. Title tag are gold in website because if your title are good keyword and attract the visitor you always earn from them so first think is appropriate title then start a posting article.My suggestion to every people that use your best keyword in start of title that will increase your traffic about 10 to 20%.