Motorcycle Windshield Treatment Comparisons

Motorcycle Windshield Treatment Comparisons

The most common materials used to make motorcycle windshields are acrylic and polycarbonate. These plastics are lightweight, yet sturdy enough to resist shattering from flying road debris. They do require special treatment to keep them clean and scratch free.

Bug Removal

    Windshields protect riders from bugs as well as rocks and trash. Remove any splattered insects from your windshield carefully so that they do not cause scratches. A simple treatment for bug removal is a hot wet towel placed over the windshield long enough to soften the bugs, before wiping them away.


    Cleaning the windshield regularly helps reduce scratching caused by surface dirt. Do not use glass cleaners with ammonia, which can be harmful to plastics. Treat the windshield with an ammonia-free cleaner such as Brillianize or Novus No. 1 along with a soft microfiber cloth.

Scratch Removal

    Over time, motorcycle windshields develop scratches that reduce visibility. This calls for a polishing treatment. Plastic polishes such as Novus No. 2 and No. 3 contain mild abrasives that rub out scratches.