Host Cascade Style Sheet .CSS File For Blogger for faster loading:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to host .css file from blogger. First create account on dropbox to upload your file public on dropbox account. This will also reduce your blogger template size. Follow steps below. To host your css file.

1.   Login to blogger account.
2.   Click blog title  template  edit html. (Before edit keep a backup of your template).
3.   Click proceed button.
4.   Now cut the text between following codes.

<b:skin><![cdata[ text ]]></b:skin>

5.   Now the paste the text(you cut) in notepad save file with .css extension.
6.   Now upload your .css file in dropbox public folder and get(copy) public link of file.
7.   Now add the following code after <head> tag.

<link href='your file link' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

8.   Now replace your file link text with link you copied from dropbox.
9.   Click save template button and you are done.

Note :  This tricks may not work in some template, use this trick only in  Custom Templates.

If this trick does not work don't worry, you can compress your CSS code to make your site faster.
To know this read this:  How To Compress CSS For Fast Loading Your Blog/ site?