prevent Accidental click on own adsense ad

prevent own adsense click
After Getting Approval in Google Adsense protect your adsense account is a very big task for everybody. So Question is how to Prevent or stop Accidental Click on own Adsense ad on blog or website. If you are facing same problem when you visit your own site and click accidentally on Adsense ad then you must care about them before getting ban.

If you Earn money through Google Adsense, you also know that it is forbidden to click on personal Adsense ad. but Unfortunately there is big risk that you accidentally click on them. and the risk it not limited. Anyone using same IP Address where he login his adsense account and clicking own ad, Especially as they may not be as careful as you are Google has no way to know whether who is doing this invalid click on same ip, result will be probably ban you from adsense. so you have to care for that matter.

Now I will learn or tech your about how to prevent accidental click on own adsense ad website

How to prevent/Stop Accidental click on own adsense ad ?

if you are using Firebox browser

To prevent from accidental click on own ad i use greasemonkey user script called "Adsense Prevent Accidental Click" that script blocked clicks on your own adsense ad. I install this for every user on my every computer.
For adding this script to your browser Go to adblock Plugins
and install

if you are using Google Chrome 
use below this adblock plugins

If you are using Internet Explorer browser 

If you are using Blogger or Wordpress  Platform

Go to
Go to post whichever you want to open
Select Edit
Where click on preview button always
for each open post 
when you open you find screen below like my website left side preview .................

Preview blog with adsense
My Personal Recommended whenever you want to open own website post please do that because you open via preview mode any link, ad code are disable you don't click anywhere that a safe way to browse own website.

Share this info with your friends........ !!!!!!!!
if you have any problem for installing or any other issue comment below