I'm getting ready for the gift show next week so my dining room is filled with boxes of stock and my dining room table is acting as a pretend display table. It feels like chaos. For someone that likes organization + order, this is driving me a little bit insane.
I'm not a stranger to shows, but it has been awhile so I feel a wee but rusty. I used to do the BIG shows and have BIG displays. Pop up signs, lights, tables, I thought that you had to look bigger for people to take you seriously. But this time I'm doing things a bit differently. Maybe it's a comfort in my own skin and after 8 years I've hit my groove. I'm scaling back on the investment of booth displays and going a little more organic. I don't feel like the booth has to stand out as much as I feel like the product will instead. It also is economical this change - the less money I invest in display, the more I profit from sales at the show. I'm keeping things simpler this year, and it feels nice.
Once I've come up with a layout I'm happy with I'll snap photos much like I've shown above so I can remember the layout when I go to set up next week. And then everything gets back back into boxes so I can transport it to the show.
Is it crazy to say I'm feeling exhausted and it's only November 7th? ;)
xo Linds