If you have adhesive window tint applied to a car's windows, you may decide that you want the tint removed. This is especially true if you have the window tint for a long period of time and it has started to show signs of deterioration. It may start to discolor or bubble in certain spots. The goal when you take window tint off a window is to avoid scratching the glass.
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Place a protective covering over the seats and floors of your car. Tarps or plastic sheeting ensure that the upholstery is not harmed while removing the tint.
2Use a spray bottle with water to coat the outside of the tinted window with a generous spray. Cover the tinted window glass with garbage bags cut in the shape of the tinted glass. This helps the glass to quickly warm up and loosen the adhesive on the inside.
3Refill the spray bottle with ammonia and liberally spray the inside of the tinted window. Do this step quickly and then cover the area with another garbage bag cut in the shape of the window.
4Allow the ammonia to soak into the window tint. Return 90 minutes after the application to begin peeling away the tint.
5Peel away the tint from the glass with a razor blade by starting at the corner of the glass. Ideally, the tint peel away in one large piece. If it breaks away, you'll have to restart at the edge of tint.
6Get rid of the adhesive left on your window by the tint. Scrub it off with a steel sponge and adhesive remover like Quickie Professional Gunk & Goo Remover.
7Wipe down the windows with glass cleaner and a clean cloth when you are finished.