How to Change Front Wheel Brake Pads

How to Change Front Wheel Brake Pads

My article is about how to change front wheel brake pads.



    Before you begin, you must have your vehicle on level ground. 100% flat. A flat surface will prevent your car from rolling and falling on top of you in case the wheels move or if you improperly jack the car up. Make sure the emergency brake is on as well. Take two heavy rocks or bricks and place them in the front & back of your rear tires, this too will prevent the car from rolling frontward and backward.


    Remove your cars hub caps and using the tire iron, loosen up the blots. Do not take them off completely, just loosen them enough to be able to screw off once the car is jacked up.


    Once the lug nuts are loose jack up your vehicle. You will know the car is high enough if you can place both your hands on top of each other under the raised tire. Once that is done, manually screw off the lug nuts and remove the tire. Once the tire is removed, place it underneath your vehicle. By doing this the car will not completely fall if it rolls or somehow falls. It will be easier to jack back up this way.


    Now you will be looking at the brake caliber mount. Locate the caliber pin slides (one on top and one on the bottom of caliber mount) loosen both pin slides and remove.

    C Clamp on brake caliber mount

    Once the mount is removed a round metal piece (piston) will be a few inches out. Take your C-clamp and position it as shown in picture. Twist clamp until the piston is pushed completely back in


    Once that is done, sit the brake caliber mount on top of the rooter, do not let the mount hang by the brake line. Now, take your pin slides and lubricate them using the brake lubrication and sit them to the side.


    Next, simply remove of the old brake pads and fit the new ones in. Make sure the thick side is inward. Once that is done, put the brake caliber mount back onto the brakes and insert the lubricated pin slides. Before tightening the pin slides, slide them in and out ensuring they can slide freely. Then tighten.


    Next, put your tire back on and manually screw on the lug nuts. Then safely lower your vehicle, using the jack. After, use your tire iron to tighten the lug nuts to secure your tire to your vehicle.


    Repeat these steps to the other side of the car by turning the car in the opposite direction. Once completed, get into your vehicle and pump on your brakes (repeatedly tapping the brake) until you can't pump them anymore. Drive around your block and pump your brakes a little more at each stop. In a parking lot or empty street, excel speed to 30-35 mph our slam on brakes to ensure your vehicle is stopping properly.