Plastic Radiator Crack Repair

Plastic Radiator Crack Repair

Plastic radiators are being used in many of today's passenger vehicles in place of the older traditional brass radiators. While brass radiators worked very well, plastic radiators do the same job and are lighter and easier to fix. Plastic radiators work the same way as brass radiators, forcing coolant through the engine to maintain safe operating temperatures. The internal portions of plastic radiators can be subject to leaks and the external area is subject to damage from dirt, leaves and other road debris.



    Open the hood of the vehicle and visually observe the radiator to locate the crack. A crack around the top of the radiator can be repaired without removing it from the vehicle, while a crack on the surface of the radiator may require that the radiator be removed from the vehicle to allow better access. Start the engine and once the coolant begins to circulate through the engine and cooling system, observe the location and size of the crack.


    Spray the surface of the radiator with a water hose or high pressured air, clearing away any clogs and any road debris that could be covering radiator cracks.


    Stop the engine and allow it to cool. Sand the area of the crack to be repaired. Weld small, easily accessible cracks by filling with a commercial epoxy and allow it to dry so the epoxy can set. Sand the repaired crack once dry to smooth the surface of the repair.


    Drain the coolant by opening the radiator plug at the base of the radiator. Remove the radiator from the vehicle, unhooking the radiator hoses and removing the plastic radiator hood, if your vehicle has one. Disconnect the radiator fan assembly and unscrew the radiator bolts. Lift the radiator out of the vehicle. Once the radiator has been removed from the vehicle, clean again with the water or air. Check the condition of the radiator hoses and metal rings and replace if damaged.


    Sand the area of the larger crack and heat the area with the air-free plastic welder, by moving it over the crack area until the area is thoroughly heated. Lay a plastic welding rod into the crack and heat it with the air-free welder until it melts completely, taking on the color of the radiator. Allow the crack repair to cool before placing the radiator back into the vehicle.