How to Install a Driver Mirror in the 97 Breeze

Installing a new driver mirror on your 1997 Plymouth Breeze is important if the mirror breaks or discolors over time. Most states require vehicle inspections each year and if the mirror is broken or discolored, your vehicle will not pass inspection. Replacing the mirror does not require a trip to the dealership or garage, as it only takes basic tools and a minimal amount of time to complete.



    Remove the Allen bolt that holds that mirror onto the metal button glued onto the windshield of the Breeze. Use a 7/16 Allen wrench.


    Slide the base of the mirror up to remove it from the button.


    Slide the new mirror down onto the button. The mirror should hang on the button without the Allen screw inserted. If the mirror falls, you installed it upside down.


    Secure the mirror with the Allen screw.