Is Google Adsense Difficult ? Thing to do Approve

Many New Webmaster start own blog or any website to making money through internet. All of these Internet Marketers have looked for adsense first time. I here give you suggestion about what you have to do for adsense.
1. Start a Website or Blog
2. Add fresh, unique and attractive content
3. Sign up for No.1 Ad Programme Google Adsense
4. Wait while Google Adsense company put relevant ads to your site
5. Visitor Click you earn money
Above thing to do is easy ? doesn't it? but doing all above step involve a lot of work and now a days it getting approve is something "Himalaya Task". Getting Online Income through Adsense is now more & more difficult then it looks.

How to Get Approval ?

Now a days, Google Makes Googles Adsense is very Difficult (but not impossible) from starting, before it approve you..your site must develop a good adsense site. Getting approval means complying with all very stick rules and guild lines by google.

First Read what to do and need

If you want Google Adsense approval you must follow Google's all Terms and Conditions, Program Policies and webmaster guideline. This are very important factor to getting success in this programme. So before apply read, understand and follow all instruction carefully then submit your application. Believe me, Creating First site is lot's of work and time so it's difficult but after creating a first website, you not need to approve other website. Keep in mind that all of your creating sites must follow all those rules and guideline otherwise you risk about close your door on google adsense. you can also read  thing to do before apply a google adsense.

Use Best Keyword

Another Big aspect to get earn from Google adsense is researching and finding best keywords. This may be huge part of building a adsense based site because all keywords are paying different amount. For Example : One Keyword pay you 10$ per click while another keyword pay you only 0.01$ per click so finding and choosing best keyword which are mostly relevant to your site.

Ad Limit on site

When you complete the all above task you not through, Google Only Allow 3 Ad unites and 3 Link Unit each site. so don't put your ad on all the place. So  decide where to put this ad.

Final Conclusion  

Getting Approval from Google Adsense is very hard but Not impossible. These is one of the best Advertising Company who provide large number of advertisement on regular basic.