How to Restore Chrome Plates on Car Grills

How to Restore Chrome Plates on Car Grills

Although chrome that has been completely removed must be replated, it is possible to clean and polish existing chrome to restore its shine. In most cases, old chrome has an oxide layer that makes it dull. Most people know this oxide layer as rust. The process of restoration involves a little bit of elbow grease and time but should provide a nice shine on your old chrome.



    Use the soap and warm water to remove the dirt and grime from the chrome. This will make the process go faster and allow you to inspect the chrome for any pitting. If the chrome is pitted, then the metal has been worn away and must be replated by a professional.


    Fill a small bowl with vinegar and dip the aluminum foil in the bowl. Lay the foil flat on the chrome and use moderate force to polish the chrome. Dip the foil in the vinegar often while working.


    When the chrome develops a shine and the rust has been removed, wash the area again with soap and water and dry it with a towel.