How to Fix Cloudy Headlight Lenses

How to Fix Cloudy Headlight Lenses

Headlights are an essential safety feature on any vehicle. Over time, your headlight lenses may turn cloudy or foggy. The cloudy appearance is actually a discoloration of the lens caused by the heat of the headlight bulb. Clouding is rather common on cars built before the year 2000. The clouding problem can be remedied in two ways: buy and install a replacement lens or purchase cleaning and polishing products to remove the lens residue manually.



    Sand the cloudy headlight lens in a circular motion starting with 1200-grit sandpaper, which is the finest grade. Work on one lens at a time. Do not start sanding the other lens until you have finished working on the first one.


    Use coarser 800-grit sandpaper to sand the lens if the 1200-grit paper does not produce the desired result. Depending on the severity of clouding, you may need to sand the lens using a coarser grit. If the lens is still opaque after using 800-grit sandpaper, try the 600-grit sandpaper.


    Wash off the lens after sanding to remove the sanding dust and residue. Dry the lens with a terrycloth.


    Inspect the headlight lens under a bright light to check for tiny pits. The pits are caused by flying debris or sand hitting the lens when the car is moving at a high speed.


    Use the 1200-grit sandpaper to sand any pits you observe, sanding in a circular motion. Sanding will not remove the pits entirely but will smooth the edges and make the pits appear to be flush with the undamaged surrounding surface of the lens.


    Wash off the lens and dry it with a terrycloth.


    Squeeze a dab of plastic polish onto a sponge and apply by wiping in a straight line across the lens. Leave the polish on the lens for one minute and then wipe off with a paper towel.


    Apply a pea-sized amount of clear protective coating on a dishwashing sponge. Rub the coating on the lens surface. Wipe off the excess with a paper towel. Repeat all of the above steps for the other headlight lens.