Earn money online: How can Google AdSense be a money-spinner?

Google AdSense is an affiliate marketing program developed by the Internet search giant, Google. This program is based on the principle of pay per click version of affiliate marketing. In this type of online marketing campaign, a website owner can host pay per click advertisements of Google. The adverts will generate revenue for the host only if a visitors clicks on them.
Therefore, website owners willing to earn money on the side through Google AdSense will have to learn about the fundamentals of doing so.

Google AdSense - How to earn dollars online

Here are some of the best ways to make money online:

A. Referrals 

People may earn money through reference. They have to refer visitors to utilize Google products. For instance, one can refer people to use AdWords, AdSense, Google Toolbar and Google software. Similar to the Google AdSense for Content and Google AdSense for Search. Moreover, Google also has codes that can be pasted by the host in his/her website in a suitable position of the web page. Google has given the freedom to choose the type of buttons for the adverts and colors for the hyperlinks.

B. Content marketing 

One can choose to market the Google Adverts by embedding them in his/her content. The adverts come at a wide variety of shapes and colors. The adverts can be an image, a text or keyword and may be both. It is up to the host to decide whether or not he wants to place both type of adverts. Google AdSense has unique forms of marketing tools like Ad units and Link Units. In case of Ad units, a host will have to place a full advertisement. While in the case of link units, there will be a group of keywords that are hyperlinked. These links are supposed to be visited by the users for the host to get commission from Google.

C. Search marketing 

Another manifestation of the pay per click affiliate marketing program is the Google AdSense for Search. People have to place a search box in their website. More the number of search conducted by the visitors, more will be the revenue for the host. This is because once a visitor conducts a search and enters the search engine results page, the number of adverts that the visitor clicks on will be counted. Those number advert clicks will be accepted as the desired action and the host will be eligible for the commission.
However, one has to conduct a business of at least $100 for Google to make the payments. It will be best to know that Google does not look in to the type of marketing strategy followed by a host until and unless its payments time. As a result, many people get disqualified for the payments at the last moment.