Interesting facts are found almost everywhere. The field of technology is no different in this respect. There are lots of weird and interesting facts in tech world. The field of technology is vast and there are so many facts that it's quite impossible for everyone to know every facts about technology. However, it's worth knowing some interesting facts that can amaze us as well as improve our knowledge about technology. Here is a collection of 20 of the most funny and amazing tech facts that worth knowing. Some of the facts may be known to you but I think you'll get something new here. I hope you'll like these interesting tech facts.
01. An interesting similarity among HP, Google, Microsoft and Apple is that they all were started in garages.
02. A fully loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes a least twenty minutes to stop.
03. On an average workday, a typist's fingers travel 12.6 miles.
04. If a car is traveling at 55 miles per hour it will travel 56 feet before the driver can shift his foot from the accelerator to the brake.
05. The first United States coast to coast airplane flight occurred in 1911 and took 49 days.
06. The rickshaw was invented by the Reverend Jonathan Scobie in 1869.
07. The windmill originated in Iran in AD 644. It was used to grind grain.
08. More than a billion transistors are manufactured every second.
09. Compact discs read from the inside to the outside edge, the reverse of how a record works.
10. There are approximately 6,000 new computer viruses released every month.
11. 'Mosaic' was the first popular web browser released in the year 1993.
12. 220 million tons of old computers and other technological hardware are trashed in the United States each year.
13. Surgeons who grew up playing video games make 37 percent fewer mistakes.
14. The first emails could only be sent to someone using the same local host with two computers literally side by side.
15. The well known credit card company MasterCard was at first called Master Charge.
16. 70% of virus writers actually work under a contract for an organization.
17. A car operates at maximum economy, gas-wise, at speeds between 25 and 35 miles per hour.
18. There are approximately 1,319,872,109 people on the Internet.
19. 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women.
20. It took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.