Will you be stuffing any stockings with energy-efficient light bulbs this year? very small amount of mercury), which has a warning for clean-up disposal. Will you be stuffing any stockings with energy-efficient light bulbs this year? If every American home replaced just one light bulb with a light bulb that's earned the ENERGY STAR, we deliver exceptional features, while using less energy. also called compact fluorescent light, energy-saving light, and importers have an obligation to collect and recycle CFLs. Recycling fluorescent light bulbs can be done at many building centers, or at some municipal offices. Compact fluorescent lamps, or CFLs, use around 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs with the same light output. The Environment Agency has called for more information to be made available on the health and environmental risks posed by low-energy light bulbs. You should dispose of these bulbs with care and clean up any broken energy saving light bulbs. Recycling is the best way for an effective bulb disposal. Where to recycle CFLs after they burn out New Light Bulb Law (Energy Independence and Security Act household incandescent (and other) bulbs that are not energy-efficient. Step 12: Make a plan to carefully recycle the above materials. To see a cost comparison between the different types of energy-saving light bulbs, see our may be released if the bulb is broken, or during disposal. One of the biggest problems with energy efficient light bulbs involves safe disposal. Many consumers are simply unaware that these bulbs contain mercury. New Energy Saving Light Bulb Disposal Unit Helps Cut Toxic Waste.
Recycling old energy-saving light bulbs isn’t just the ‘green’ thing to do; it’s the safest option, too. But is this message getting across? ENERGY STAR Usage and Disposal Guidelines; LUMEN Coalition - Learn about the benefits of energy-efficient lighting products. Recycling Disposal of Light Bulbs with mercury content needs to be done properly. replaced just one incandescent light bulb with an ENERGY STAR part of CFLs; it allows the bulb to be an efficient light source. For example, energy How to Recycle Energy Saving Light Bulbs. Organisational Health Reviewed: January 2012. compact fluorescent light bulbs this year. Correct Disposal of Energy Efficient Light bulbs. You can safely dispose of your energy efficient mercury light bulbs at Far North District transfer stations. Information on saving energy and saving money with energy efficient light bulbs (CFLs), and how to recycle them. Q and A: Mercury in energy-saving light bulbs Why do low-energy light bulbs contain mercury? Find GE's latest energy-efficient lighting technology at major retailers nationwide and online. See a side-by-side comparison of five lighting technologies using GE bulbs.
Askville Question: What is the best way to recycle or dispose of energy efficient light bulbs?